Web Site Design

http://www.particlezoo.com (Flash intro) - - - - - Particle Zoo Digital Entertainment
http://www.languagedepartment.net - - - - - Language Department / 68û Parallel Comunications
http://www.agfhardwood.com - - - - - AGF Hardwood Flooring
http://ellenburr.cjb.net - - - - - Artist Ellen Burr's "Makes Stuff" Site
http://www.getpsyched.ws - - - - - Licensed Psychotherapy and Sports Counseling
http://www.thisisdanica.com - - - - - Singer/Songwriter Danica Jerosimich
http://www.bottlebible.com - - - - - Published by Harper Collins, the 3rd Edition of the "Bottle Bible," by Michael Polak
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/nyunderground - - - - - National Geographic online feature article: a giant core sample of the Big Apple?
(This site was a major team effort between National Geographic and North Communications, I was involved in the design, graphics and sound production)
http://www.mamamusic.com - - - - - Mama Music independent record company
http://www.pinturashollywood.com - - - - - Auto Paint & Body Shop in Mexico City
Samples of Other Sites:
http://www.janburke.com - - - - - Mystery writer Jan Burke published by Simon and Schuster
http://www.trigonprod.com/infrared.html - - - - - "Infrared Sightings" promotional site